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    Morpheus8: Redefining Microneedling Excellence

    Device Overview: Morpheus8 represents a groundbreaking microneedling treatment surpassing conventional methods in efficacy. Developed to stimulate adipose tissue remodeling in the dermis, this innovation by InMode Aesthetics merges radiofrequency with microneedling—a unique combination. While microneedling alone triggers collagen proliferation, Morpheus8 elevates the process by integrating radiofrequency energy, promoting tissue remodeling and exceptional skin tightening at approximately 4mm depth.

    Concerns: Morpheus8 effectively addresses a spectrum of skin concerns such as
    • acne scars
    • fine lines, wrinkles
    • loose or excessive skin and facial and neck tissue. 

    Suitable for all skin types, this treatment requires a commitment to a complete treatment plan, including professional home care


    • Individuals undergoing cancer treatment
    • Those with active cold sores
    • Pregnant or breastfeeding
    • Current Accutane users
    • Individuals with uncontrolled diabetes, 
    • Those who’ve had Botox or fillers in the treatment area in the last 14 days are not recommended candidates. 
    • For specific concerns, bring a list of questions to your consultation for clarification.

    Treatment Schedule:

    Optimal results derive from three treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart. Initial visible results may appear within days, with more significant improvements manifesting around three weeks post-treatment. Continuing enhancements are observed for up to three months after the final session. Quarterly maintenance sessions are recommended for sustained results.

    Procedure Details:

    Our treatment journey commences with a thorough consultation to confirm candidacy and discuss concerns, expectations, and desired outcomes. Subsequently, our skincare professionals curate an individualized treatment plan.
    During the initial session
    1. Photographs of the treatment areas are taken to monitor progress. 
    2. Numbing cream is applied for 30-45 minutes
    3. Thorough skin cleansing and degreasing before starting procedure. 
    4. We deliver the treatment following the custom plan that we created for your skin and your concerns 
    5. Post-procedure care guidance and instructions are provided for your convenience.

    Pre-treatment Care

    • A month prior to treatment
      • No tanning! This includes spray tans, tanning lotions, prolonged sun exposure, tanning beds etc.
      • Skin with Fitz score IV-VI or skin with Fitz score I-IV with active tan should be treated gradually by using a pigment control cream 6 weeks prior to appointment
      • Skin with Fitz score I-IV with no active tan should use a pigment control cream 2+ weeks prior to treatment 
    • The week before your appointment 
      • Avoid treatments that may irritate the skin, such as waxing, chemical peels, retinol etc. for at least 1 week (longer if you have sensitive skin)
      • At least 7 days before treatment stop taking: aspirin (even baby aspirin), ibuprofen, excedrin, Motrin, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, flax oil, cod liver oil, fish oil, vitamin A, vitamin E, and other essential fatty acids. If you must take pain medication, it should be Tylenol.
      • 3+ days prior to treatment, avoid drinking caffeine and alcohol.
      • 2 days before appointment, stop using any pigment control creams to minimize the risk of post inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
    • Day of treatment
      • Excess hair and peach fuzz needs to be shaved, men need to come clean shaven (no 5 o’clock shadow)
      • Do not wear makeup to your appointment

    Post-Treatment Care


    • Immediately following treatment
      • If treated area is feeling very hot or uncomfortable you can use a fan or A/C for up to 20 minutes at a time *DO NOT USE ICE*
      • Excessive tanning of any sort is not allowed during the course of your entire treatment plan. This includes extended sun exposure, tanning beds, artificial tanning lotions, and spray tans.
    • First 24 hours 
      • Only lukewarm water, NO SOAPS
      • Only use products provided by your skin care professionals 
      • Limit mask use, and wear a new one every time you need to wear a mask
      • No exercise or strenuous activity. Any activity that elevates your blood pressure can cause bruising. This includes but is not limited to; running, weightlifting, pilates, yoga, aerobics, cycling, climbing, sun, sex, saunas, hot tubs, or anything that will make the skin warm. 
    • 24-72 hours 
      • Only lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser. (No exfoliants)
      • In the morning apply a sunscreen with ATLEAST 30 SPF, more is recommended 
      • It is preferable to hold off wearing makeup until at least 72 hours post procedure
      • Limit mask use, and wear a new one if possible 
      • No exercise or strenuous activity. Any activity that elevates your blood pressure can cause bruising. This includes but is not limited to; running, weightlifting, pilates, yoga, aerobics, cycling, climbing, sun, sex, saunas, hot tubs, or anything that will make the skin warm.
      • Tiny scabs may start to appear after 1-3 days and stay on for several days following treatment. The scabs should not be touched or scratched. Allow them to flake off naturally so not to permanently damage skin.
    • 72 hours to next treatment
      • Cleanse with a gentle cleanser (Alastin or Alumier gentle cleanser)
      • In the morning apply sunscreen with ATLEAST 30 SPF, more is recommended 
      • Wear makeup as preferred. It is recommended to use Alumier Tinted SPF or mineral makeup
      • Restart regular skincare routine as recommended by provider 
    • Side effects
      • Some bruising, swelling, redness, and discomfort are normal.
      • Any adverse reaction should be reported to the clinic immediately

    Why One Medical  

    • Your skin deserves the best care possible, and that’s why our service is provided by certified and experienced practitioners. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to providing personalized treatments tailored to your skin’s specific needs, ensuring you achieve optimal results 
    • We understand that every individual’s skin is unique, and one-size-fits-all approaches simply won’t do. At CōLab Medical Aesthetics, we create customized treatment plans based on a thorough assessment of your skin condition and concerns. Whether you’re dealing with fine lines, acne scars, or uneven skin tone, our tailored approach will address your specific concerns.

    Best Pricing in Calgary!

    Face and Neck $800/treatment (Competitors ~  $1100/session)

    Face: $675/treatment (competitors ~$800/session)

    To get pricing on other body parts please call the clinic 403-815-4444 or fill out a inquiry form